List of films qualified for the 2nd semi-final of West Pomerania Shorts '16

We now have a list of films that have qualified for screening at the 2nd semi-final of West Pomerania Shorts '16! Thank you all for your submissions and congratulations to the authors of the films selected. Below is the list of shorts that we will screen:


Life Leak, Dagmara Pochyła
Alfa​bet, Aleksander Cywiński, Karol Maćków
BASTA 2015, Łukasz Musiał
Paradise, Choir of Maritime University of Szczecin
Cervus, Daria Praczkowska
Do jutra, Krzysztof Kuźnicki, Anna Wiśniewska, Agnieszka Michalska, and the people of the MONAR Association in Grabowo
Hold on to Me, Kuba Ptaszyński, Łukasz Kłosowski, Michał Rasiewicz
Ma - Czas, Mateusz Samolong, Dagmara Pochyła, Błażej Grabka, Łukasz Nyks
Making of DreaMa, Mateusz Samolong, Błażej Grabka, Dagmara Pochyła
Dronisław z Domu Talerzy – Wyszobór / Zachodniopomorskie / Polska z lotu ptaka, Tomasz Jurkiewicz
LIST OTWARTY „Pyrrustratus jako WiktoRajska Utopia”, Krzysztof Arciszewski
Szczury, Bożena Mozolewska
Wczesna wiosna, Bożena Mozolewska
Akord, Gosia Kowalik
Fabryka talentów, Gosia Kowalik
The screening of these short films will be held on June 12th at the Český Film pub (al. Jana Pawła II 3-4) - the event starts at 19:00. Be sure to come, as it will be your votes that decide about the winning production! If you have short films that you hadn't managed to submit - remember that in September there will also be a third "semi-final" of West Pomerania Shorts. See you at the Sunday screening!
dodane:: 2016-06-08
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