European Cinema Evenings with OFFicyna - EPISODE DENMARK

The OFFicyna Association and The Pomeranian Dukes Castle in Szczecin invite you to a Summer-holiday series of screenings, where we will see award-winning and premiering films from Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Documentaries, features, political fiction, animation, meetings with directors - all this at the Münzhof courtyard of the Pomeranian Dukes Castle on July and August evenings. The presented films comprise an original cross-sections of genres and cultures of the selected Baltic-region cinemas. "European Cinema Evenings with OFFicyna" will be the only opportunity to watch most productions on the big screen in Szczecin.
The films to be presented in July are fresh must-sees; winners of such awards as the Robert Award, given by the Danish Film Academy (equivalent to the American Oscar), and the main Danish film award - the Bodil Award, given by the Danish Film Critics Association.
July 7th, 10:00 PM 
"Min far forfra" / "Front view of my father", dir. Nicoline Skotte Jacobsen, DK 2015
Nicoline, the film's author, meets with her father after years of estrangement. They meet in the studio, where the camera is to record their attempt at a reunion. In an innovative and educational way, the documentary touches upon Danish divorce culture.
2015: nominated for the Robert Award (from the Danish Film Academy) for documentary short.
"Klumpfisken" / "The Sun Fish", dir. Søren Balle, DK 2014
Kesse the fisherman is struggling with increasingly tough worki conditions. In light of the global crisis and new policies he desperately seeks ways that would help him survive. Eventually he meets Gerd - a woman that seems to be his polar opposite.
2015: the Bodil Award for best supporting actress and for best actor; the Robert Award for best adapted screenplay.
2014: nominated for the Dragon Award for best Nordic film at the Göteborg Film Festival.
July 12th, 10:00 PM 
"Åbne øjne" / "Open Eyes", dir. Olivia Chamby-Rus, DK 2015
A young blind woman takes us on a journey through her world; there, one can find longing for love, but a lot of light as well.
2015: nominated for the Robert Award for best documentary short.
"UIP27", dir. Joachim Hamou, DK/SE/FR 2016
The film speculates about the Israel-Palestine conflict, its story taking place in the year 2027. The United Nations became the new pccupation force, meaning that now the conflict is administered by an international court. A drama-documentary that allows for viewing many aspects of this real situation.
2015: nominated for the New Vision Award at CPH:DOX.
Director Joachim Hamou will be the screening's Special Guest.
All screenings admission-free.
Click - link to the event on Facebook ;)
The curator of the project Episode - Denmark is Sven Eggers.
Project co-financed by the City of Szczecin
Project co-financed by the Polish Film Institute as part of the "Edukacja i upowszechnianie kultury filmowej - Priorytet III Filmowe inicjatywy lokalne" program.
Co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation as part of the project: 25x25 'Kontakt festiwali filmowych'.
Project organiser: the OFFicyna Association
dodane:: 2016-06-30
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