Paolo Genovese

About the artist

Born on 20 August 1966 in Rome. Studied economy and business. He started his career in a prestigious advertising agency, where he directed more than 100 commercials, some of them awarded with industry awards. Together with Luca Miniero, he created a director duo in 1998, with ambitions going further than the advertising world. They started with shorts, to present a warmly welcomed feature comedy “A Neapolitan Spell” in 2002. Genovese stood behind the camera in 2010, shooting a Christmas comedy ”The Santa Claus Gang”. His next film ”Perfect Strangers” made him famous outside Italy.



Perfect Strangers / Perfetti sconosciuti (2016)

Sei mai stata sulla luna? (2015)

Tutta colpa di Freud (2014)

Una famiglia perfetta (2012)

Immaturi - Il viaggio (2012)

Niedojrzali / Immaturi (2011)

La banda dei Babbi Natale (2010)

Questa notte è ancora nostra (2008)

Nessun messaggio in segreteria (2005)

Incantesimo napoletano (2002)



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